Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"Iraq – Leaving the war behind" by Mary Hope

"Iraq – Leaving the war behind" by Mary Hope (word count: 1414)

"The 'War in Iraq' as we know it now will not remain the same, no matter which course of action we take. The deep tensions and centuries of pain left in the wake of the many wars fought over this territory will not subside quickly. Terrorists' promotions of 'jihadist' belief systems will not go invisibly into the night. When we leave Iraq, the people of Iraq will still have to deal with the war that wages inside its borders. To turn the tide of this war, we must begin to help the people of Iraq win this war within."…

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Mary Kendall Hope is a Professor of Conflict Resolution at the American University, holds a doctorate degree in conflict resolution and has been an active writer.

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