Friday, July 20, 2007

"Senator Snivel and the Pity Vote" by Prof. Tom Hastings

"Senator Snivel and the Pity Vote" by Prof. Tom Hastings (word count: 527)

"Listen! Gordon Smith is running. Can you hear the flip-flops? Gordon Smith is running for reelection in 2008. He began running with his December 2006 speech in which he, for the first time, publicly acknowledged his deep concern about the war in Iraq . By odd chance, this was just a month after the voters rejected the war in November, handing his party—the Republicans—their first major defeat at the polls in a decade. Cynics claimed that Smith's apparently heartfelt speech was a ploy to make the increasingly antiwar voters in Oregon feel sorry for him and cast a pity vote for him in 2008."...

Reply to:

Tom H Hastings is director of PeaceVoice and a founder of Whitefeather Peace Community in Portland , Oregon.

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